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  • Okay, now you are at the news page where you are supposed to get all da news ya can handle right? Wrong. Just news that is important (haha) to this websites function (hehe) and updates about what is cool and new(s).

  • 2/13/05
    Okay I'm sorry, over a month, but here is some stuff that I will put up on my Blog Sight
    BraveKnight out.

    To fear the Lord is to hate evil:

    I hate free will. Free will is what makes us separate from God. The sad part is most times it is because we want to be separate from God. Is there anytime I knowingly committed a sin that I didn't choose to walk away from God? I can't think of any. Most times I'm actually thinking "this will separate me from God." So then why are we allowed to endure I wonder. It must be possible to succeed in not willfully sinning. Or at least when we do, to utterly hate it afterwards. I have the latter part down. But at one time I had the other part down as well. What happened I wonder? I got distracted in worship. Messed up too many times in a day. Lost His presence in my life.

    I am not who I think I am:

    I am not who my flesh and the devil says I am. I am a son of God. Now can anyone really describe that well? I know a man named Jesus came down to earth from heaven, lived an example life, died with all my sins apon Him, then undid all the works done against me in hell, and then rose from the dead just to remind us that he is Lord of all. That is the Son of my Father. My Brother. My Comforter. Emmanuel. The God of all walking among us. What can I learn from Him? What is he going to teach me today? And will I be willing to learn?

    Puppets are God's creatures too:

    I am starting to think that puppets are from God. How much easier and more accepted a message is from a puppet. Everyone can love a puppet. Because like video games, they are programmed to love you back. The best part about being a puppeteer has to be that people know that I am the puppeteer, but they choose not to make the association. The puppet becomes it's own life. The offspring of my mind. Which is modeled after God. It is the closest God has come to making life in my life. It is my one true passion. The one constant good desire in my life. I love puppets. But I need to remember that One that gave me this talent. And respect his will by unburying it. Spending it. And let him worry about the return. God I need money for a puppet. Just bless me so that I can receive a puppet. Either through monetary expenses, or gift, or blessings. That is my only request at this time. I love you Daddy.

  • 1/7/05
    Wow... three whole months... almost. Well let's see... alot has happened. Hmmmm. Fell in love with God again. Met some new friends... Maybe just one. Well I think we can include: Kyle (Wifi124) and Michelle (um.... what goes here?) and possibly one mroe.... no... probably not. Just have seen alot of peoples lately, that makes it seem like i have new friends hiding somewhere. Other than that.... :D yay! for um... everything. YAY for Jesus. YaY for friends. YaY for wifi.... *cough* Yay for Michelle... no... not yay YEAH-YAR-YAY!!!! :D she is really cool and has been a huge blessing. Oh kyle... don't be jealous. I love you.
  • 10/14/04
    Moved!!! I am now living in Lynnwood with my homie of a roomie mate, Levi. Oh and I will now start posting quote of the month and possibly quote of the week, so everyone can see what my life is more like (everyone? everyone who goes here will already know). Okay well don't worry the hunt for the song still continues and also the House Meeting stuff will get under way. If we both decide we have enough free time that we would like to devote to it.
  • 10/3/04
    Still looking for a song to make a music video, I'd tell ya what it is about but that would ruin the surprise. If you see me, just corner me and I'll scream like a girl and then tell you everything I'm planning on doing. Should be great. Website is coming along just fine. Hitting some snags like forgetting the " in an a HREF.... or the = sign. B.A.D. J.U.J.U. The House Meeting stuff is still being planned, sorry for all of you who are waiting, why don't you make this page your homepage, so you will know right away when it comes out? hehe. Well 'til net time, Peace.
  • 9/28/04
    I should be starting on a new music vid as soon as I find the right song. If you have suggestions send them to my e-mail account available in the contact me part of the main page. I am in the process of moving to Lynnwood, WA to live with a old man of a room mate.